A maior proteção, consolo e justiça, provem do Senhor, portanto, quando estivermos ou formos submetidos a qualquer aflição, devemos em orações elevarmos o nosso clamor a Deus para que nos seja concedido o livramento, mantendo a pureza de nossos corações e a vitória nos será acrescentada.
Sentence of the day: God dissipates the afflictions.
If somehow you afflict them, and they to shout to me, I certainly will hear your clamor. (Exodus 22:23)
The largest protection, comfort and justice, prove of the Mister, therefore, when we are or we be submitted the any affliction, we owed in prayers we elevate our clamor to God for it is granted us the liberation, maintaining the purity of our hearts and the victory will be increased us.
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