A harmonia deve ser sempre uma meta a ser alcançada, desprezando o espírito de grandeza, ao contrário, devemos viver com humildade estendendo sempre as mãos o que necessitarem e jamais rotularmos a nós mesmos, pois assim, Deus estará sempre nos guiando em segurança e suprindo-nos no que for preciso.
Sentence of the day: with humility we reached thanks.
Unanimous thirst among you; you don't ambition high things, but you make comfortable to the humble ones; you are not wise in you same. (Roman 12:16)
The harmony should always be a goal to be reached, despising the spirit of greatness, to the opposite, we should live with humility always extending the hands that need and we never label us same, because like this, God will always be guiding us in safety and supplying us in the one that goes need.
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