Deus é o Pai, o Filho e o Espírito Santo. Deus é o nosso criador, protetor e Senhor de todas as coisas, portanto, se seguirmos os ensinamentos que nos deixou, jamais poderemos ser vencidos ou prejudicados de qualquer forma ou por qualquer coisa ou alguém, portanto, se estamos com o Pai celestial no coração, nada temeremos.
Sentence of the day: God is it Mister of all the things.
And in any another there is salvation, because also under the sky any other name there is, given among the men, for which we should be saved. (Acts 4:12)
God is the Father, Son and the Saint Spirit. God is our creator, protecting and Mister of all the things, therefore, if we the teachings that he left us, proceed we will never be able to be due or prejudiced in any way or for any thing or somebody, therefore, we are been with the celestial Father in the heart, nothing will fear.
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