A salvação é muito mais do que uma oferta, mas, uma promessa inestimável, vinda da maior autoridade que é o nosso Deus.
Deus não nos pede muito e não nos cobra sacrifícios para que possamos tomar posse da salvação, ao contrário, o que o Senhor quer de nós deve ser recebido como troféu, pois, são coisas boas e sempre se encontram ao nosso alcance, pelo que devemos crer e demonstrar a nossa fidelidade.
Sentence of the day: God doesn't make collections. He donates us.
Who has faith in him is not condemned; but who doesn't have faith it is already condemned, since it doesn't have faith in the name of only Son of God. (João 3:18)
The salvation is much more than an offer, but, a priceless promise, coming of the largest authority that is our God.
God doesn't ask us a lot and not in the snake sacrifices so that we can take ownership of the salvation, to the opposite, which the Mister he wants from us it should be received as trophy, because, they are good things and they always meet within our reach, for the that we should have faith and to demonstrate our fidelity.
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