quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2013

Frase do dia: consultando ao Senhor seremos vitoriosos.

E tornou Davi a consultar a Deus; e disse-lhe Deus: Não subirás atrás deles; mas rodeia-os por detrás, e vem a eles por defronte das amoreiras. (1 Crônicas 14:14)

Não importa o quanto injusta ou desvantajosa nos pareça uma batalha, basta elevarmos os nossos pedidos de ajuda e direção ao Senhor que seremos abençoados com a resposta para a vitória que nos tornará dignos de elogios e mais uma vez darmos com muita alegria, glória a Deus.

Sentence of the day: consulting to the Mister we will be victorious.

And it turned Davi to consult God; and he told him God: You won't arise behind them; but it surrounds them from behind, and it comes to them for in face of the feet of mulberries. (1 chronicles 14:14)

He you doesn't import him as unjust or disadvantageous it seems us a battle, it is enough we elevate our requests of help and direction to the Mister that will be blessed with the answer for the victory that will turn us worthy of praises and once again we give with a lot of happiness, glory to God.

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