Os nossos dias terrenos podem ser mais duradouros e a nossa estadia pode ser a mais serena e promissora possível. Tudo quanto precisamos saber está bem ao nosso alcance na palavra.
Deus nos recomenda uma atenção especial para com os ensinamentos contidos nas escrituras, portanto, devemos meditar neles, abrigá-los em nossos corações purificados para nossa felicidade e glória do nosso salvador.
Sentence of the day: we can live more.
My Son, don't forget about my law, and your heart keeps my commandments. Because they will increase your days and they will increase you years of life and peace. (Proverbs 3:1-2)
Our terrestrial days can be more durable and our permanence can be the more it calms and promising possible. Whatever needed to know it is well within our reach in the word.
God recommends us a special attention to the teachings contained in the deeds, therefore, we should meditate in them, to shelter them in our hearts purified for our happiness and our savior's glory.
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