As pessoas às vezes são submetidas a aborrecimentos e desesperos, quando podiam estar gozando de tranquilidade sem se esforçarem para isso.
Deus é o senhor de todas as coisas, o nosso criador e salvador, tem imensurável amor por nós e está sempre de braços poderosos abertos para nos receber, mantendo a aliança de paz e vida eterna, portanto, depende de cada um busca por essas preciosas dádivas, respeitando e honrando o nome do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: alliance with the Mister.
My alliance with him was of life and of peace, and I gave so that he feared; then he feared me, and he was surprised because of my name. (Malaquias 2:5)
The people are sometimes submitted to upset and despairs, when they could be enjoying peacefulness without if they make an effort for that.
God is you of all the things, our creator and saving, he has immeasurable love for us and it is always of open powerful arms to receive us, maintaining the peace alliance and eternal life, therefore, it depends on each one search for those precious gifts, respecting and honoring the name of the Mister.
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