Nada e nem ninguém poderá nos atingir definitivamente com o mal, se estivermos de corações puros, firmes em nossa fé, procurando caminhar perseverantes pelo caminho que Deus nos mostra pela palavra para que possamos chegar à presença do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: trusting in the Mister we will be in safety.
Suddenly God is my salvation; in him I will trust, and I won't fear, because you GOD is my force and my song, and he became my salvation. (Isaías 12:2)
Anything and nor nobody will definitively be able to reach us with the evil, if we are of pure hearts, firm in our faith, trying to walk persevering for the road that God in the display for the word so that we can arrive to the presence of the Mister.
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