Importante sabermos que o Senhor jamais desiste de nós, ao contrário, sempre que desejarmos encontrar o nosso salvador, Ele estará de braços abertos para nos receber com imensurável amor e carinho.
Ao olharmos ao redor e concluirmos que estamos nos perdendo, com clamor a Deus, um caminho reto se formará em nossa frente para que sejamos conduzidos a uma nova vida de alegria e luz. Deus está aguardando que caminhemos em direção à salvação, e para isso, nos deixou o caminho de luz.
Sentence of the day: God built the road.
And there will be road plan for the remainder of your people, that be left of the Assyrian, as it happened to Israel in the day in that arose of the earth of Egypt. (Isaías 11:16)
Important we know that the Mister it never gives up of us, to the opposite, whenever we want to find our savior, He will be of open arms to receive us with immeasurable love and affection.
To the we look about and we conclude that we are getting lost, with clamor to God, a straight road will be formed in our front so that we are led to a new life of happiness and it shines. God is awaiting that we walk in direction to the salvation, and for that, he left us the light road.
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