Estaremos sempre protegidos em qualquer situação. O Senhor estará cuidando constantemente de todos procuram caminhar pelo caminho ensinado na palavra, com perseverança e respeito aos ensinamentos, mantendo a fé e aguardando o momento certo para que as bênçãos sejam derramadas.
Sentence of the day: the blessings will come.
As you kept the word of my patience, I will also keep you of the hour of the temptation that must come on everyone, to try the ones that they inhabit in the earth. (Apocalypse 3:10)
We will be always protected in any situation. The Mister he/she will constantly be taking care of all they try to walk for the road taught in the word, with perseverance and respect to the teachings, maintaining the faith and awaiting the right moment for the blessings is spilled.
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