O desejo do Senhor é que sejamos criaturas capazes de promovermos mudanças positivas, sempre que necessário, portanto, jamais podemos deixar quebrar essa relação de presteza e confiança, sem as quais as nossas ações serão inócuas.
A nossa perseverança deverá prevalecer diante de quaisquer situações, mesmo naquelas em que as nossas forças demonstrarem evadir do nosso ser, pois, com dedicação e fé virá o reconhecimento e Deus providenciará para que sejam restauradas as nossas forças.
Sentence of the day: to do the difference.
You are the salt of the earth; and if the salt is insipid, with what it must be salted? For swifter except to rush out, and to be stepped by the men. (Mateus 5:13)
The desire of the Mister it is that are creatures capable of we promote changes positive, whenever necessary, therefore, we can never let to break that relationship of readiness and trust, without which our actions will be innocuous.
Our perseverance should prevail before any situations, even in those in that our forces demonstrate to avoid of our being, because, with dedication and faith will come the recognition and God will make arrangements so that our forces are recuperated.
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