Esperei com paciência no SENHOR, e ele se inclinou para mim, e ouviu o meu clamor. (Salmos 40:1)
O desânimo não pode fazer parte de nossa história de vida, ao contrário, se em algum instante ele vier a ameaçar as nossas atitudes, devemos clamar imediatamente ao Senhor para que seja banido.
Pedindo com fé, Deus reforçará a nossa paciência para que aprendamos a conhecer as nossas limitações momentâneas, as quais serão transformadas no momento certo em forças que nos sustentarão em qualquer situação.
Sentence of the day: The Mister it will grant us the blessings.
I waited with patience in you, and he leaned for me, and he heard my clamor. (Psalms 40:1)
The discouragement cannot be part of our life history, to the opposite, if in some instant he comes to threaten our attitudes, we should shout immediately to the Mister so that it is banished.
We should walk with firmness, accomplishing our stops to invigorate our forces, but, never to think in giving up the objectives no matter how difficult they are the obstacles.
Asking with faith, God will reinforce our patience so that we learn how to know our momentary limitations, which will be transformed in the right moment in forces that will sustain us in any situation.
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