Deus conhece as nossas lutas e reconhece a nossa obediência aos sábios conselhos que podemos encontrar nas escrituras. Não importa o quanto forte pareça o inimigo e nem o tamanho do constrangimento que tente nos fazer passar; mantendo-nos firmes em nossa fé, o Senhor nos dará o auxílio necessário para a restituição das nossas perdas.
Sentence of the day: the afflictions and persecutions don't prosper.
Persecutions and such afflictions which happened me in Antioquia, in Icônio, and in Stripe; how many persecutions suffered, and the Mister of all he/she liberated me. (2 Timóteo 3:11)
God knows our fights and it recognizes our obedience to the wise persons advices that we can find in the deeds. It doesn't import him as fort seems the enemy and nor the size of the embarrassment that tries to do to happen; maintaining in the firm ones in our faith, the Mister he will give us the necessary aid for the restitution of our losses.
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