Aquele que leva a preciosa semente, andando e chorando, voltará, sem dúvida, com alegria, trazendo consigo os seus molhos. (Salmos 126:6)
Deus está nos observando constantemente para nos proteger e nos colocar de volta ao caminho. A manutenção da nossa caminhada na direção da salvação é uma das preciosas recompensas do Senhor em nossa vida pelas boas sementes que procuramos cultivar, mesmo diante de tribulações e desafios que o inimigo procura nos impor.
Sentence of the day: life is to act according to the teachings.
That that takes the precious seed, walking and crying, it will return, without a doubt, with happiness, bringing with itself your sauces. (Psalms 126:6)
During our day, the works that we seek ourselves to accomplish they should be preceded of the understandings by the word, always caring for so that the respect to the Mister and the solidarity to our siblings is assisted.
God is us constantly observing to protect us and to place us of turn to the road. The maintenance of our walk in the direction of the salvation is one of the precious rewards of the Mister in our life for the good seeds that we tried to cultivate, even before tribulations and challenges that the enemy tries to impose us.
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