Não há nada tardio par ao Senhor, nem mesmo as chuvas, portanto, devemos crer de verdade, elevando os nossos pedidos, mesmo nos momentos em que o inimigo tentar nos desanimar, pois, o Senhor é o Deus do impossível e nos concederá tudo quanto necessário e em abundância.
Sentence of the day: nothing is late for God.
I asked you rain in the time of the late rain, yes, to you that makes lightnings; and he will give them abundant rains, and to each one herb in the field. (Zacarias 10:1)
There is not late equal to the Mister, not even the rains, therefore, we should have faith of truth, elevating our requests, even in the moments in that the enemy tries to be discouraged, therefore, the Mister it is the God of the impossible and it will grant us whatever necessary and abundantly.
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