Os ensinamentos de Deus estão à disposição de todos com facilidade de acesso e de entendimento, portanto, o mínimo que podemos fazer com algo tão precioso, é tomarmos posse dos conhecimentos, com respeito e fé no nosso criador, e assim, permanecermos serenamente e seguros no caminho que nos levará para uma vida eterna na presença do pai celestial.
Sentence of the day: God advises us for the word.
And guard the commandments of the Mister your God, for walks in your roads and for you fear him. (Deuteronômio 8:6)
The teachings of God are to the disposition of all with access easiness and of understanding, therefore, the minimum that can do with something so precious, it is we take ownership of the knowledge, with respect and faith in our creator, and like this, we calmly stay and safe in the road that will take us for an eternal life in the celestial father's presence.
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