Deus nos ensina a importância da solidariedade, do amor ao próximo e da união, sentimentos e atitudes que fazem a diferença positiva para que dá e para o que recebe, ou seja, benefícios mútuos, portanto, a nossa vida que é uma dádiva do Senhor para ser efetivamente valorizada, precisa ser conduzida sob esses sábios pilares para que se mantenha firme e promissora.
Sentence of the day: union.
But, knowing him your thoughts, he told them: The whole kingdom, divided against himself, it will be havoc; and the house, divided against herself, it will fall. (Lucas 11:17)
God teaches us the importance of the solidarity, of the love to the neighbor and of the union, feelings and attitudes that make the positive difference so that he gives and for what it receives, in other words, mutual benefits, therefore, our life that is a gift of the Mister to be valued indeed, he needs to be led under those wise persons pillars for he stays strong and promising.
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