Mais do que as nossas vitórias, o Senhor espera que sejamos merecedores do direito de nos sentarmos no seu trono, portanto, jamais devemos abrir mãos das coisas terrenas, desde que sejam aprovadas por Deus, tomando os cuidados para que fiquem em segundo plano diante dos ensinamentos divinos.
Sentence of the day: God in first place.
To the that to win him/her will grant that sits with me on my throne; as well as me I expired, and I sat with my Father on your throne. (Apocalypse 3:21)
Plus than our victories, the Mister wait that we are worthy of the right of we sit down us in your throne, therefore, we should never give up the terrestrial things, since they are approved for God, being the carefuls so that they are in second plan before the divine teachings.
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