Nada poderá ser realizado sem que Deus saiba. As nossas boas ou más ações estarão sendo observadas. O Senhor é justo e misericordioso e espera que sejamos bondosos e fiéis aos ensinamentos contidos nas escrituras para que possamos ser vistos com bons olhos, portanto, devemos nos conduzir pelos conselhos do nosso criador para que ao tomar as nossas contas elas sejam aprovadas.
Sentence of the day: the Mister everything sees.
And there is not creature some shelter before him; before all the things are nude and patents to the eyes of that with whom we have to treat. (Hebrew 4:13)
Nothing can be accomplished without God knows. Our good or bad actions will be being observed. The Mister it is exactly and merciful and he waits that are kind and followers to the teachings contained in the deeds so that we can be looked upon with favor, therefore, we should behave for our creator's advices so that when taking our bills they are approved.
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