E a minha palavra, e a minha pregação, não consistiram em palavras persuasivas de sabedoria humana, mas em demonstração de Espírito e de poder. (1 Coríntios 2:4)
Tudo que temos e somos é devido ao Senhor, portanto, por mais riquezas terrenas que possamos acumular ou conhecimentos obtidos pelas leituras e experiências terrenas, eles não serão o bastante se procuramos viver pela efetiva instrução e inspiração que somente poderá ser encontrada nas escrituras.
Sentence of the day: persuasive words don't have power.
And my word, and my preaching, they didn't consist of persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of Spirit and of being able to. (1 Corinthian 2:4)
Everything that we have and we are it is due to it Mister, therefore, for more terrestrial wealth than we can accumulate or knowledge obtained by the readings and terrestrial experiences, they won't be enough if we tried to live for the effective instruction and inspiration that it will only be able to be found in the deeds.
The people sometimes complain for an excessive load of work and they get not result satisfactory material, or until they get to accumulate certain wealth, but, the peacefulness and happiness are never present, because, it is lacking the most important, to place the knowledge that God left to the disposition and of easy understanding to all on any other source, because, only in the word the true power resides for the solution of all the situations.
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