Deus nos deixou as fórmulas, o mapa do tesouro e do caminho para qualquer lugar que desejarmos chegar com segurança, portanto, a decisão acertada está ao nosso alcance e depende apenas de cada um de nós.
Se os nossos desejos são de podermos saciar sempre a nossa fome e a nossa sede alimentar e de conhecimentos, será sábio realizarmos as nossas obras de acordo com o que o Senhor nos deixou fundamentado na palavra e com certeza a fartura estará presente em tudo quanto necessitarmos nesta vida terrena e ainda nos acompanhará para junto do Pai celestial.
Sentence of the day: the prosperity depends on our attention.
What takes care of the fig he will eat of your fruit; and what looks at your gentleman it will be honored. (Proverbs 27:18)
God left us the formulas, the map of the treasure and of the road for any place that we want to arrive with safety, therefore, the right decision is within our reach and it just depends on each one of us.
If our desires are of we could always satiate our hunger and our alimentary thirst and of knowledge, it will be wise we accomplish our works in agreement with the one that the Mister he/she left based us in the word and with certainty the abundance will be present in whatever we need in this terrestrial life and it will still accompany us near the celestial Father.
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