Deus nós concede a garantia de uma vida promissora, com muitas alegrias e por toda a eternidade, e a única coisa que precisamos fazer é algo ainda prazeroso, viver segundo os ensinamentos contidos na palavra.
Não importa se já andamos por caminhos tortuosos ou vivemos em desacordo com as instruções divinas, desde que tenhamos decidido aceitar o Senhor com amor nem nossos corações, e assim, seremos libertos da morte para celebrarmos na presença do nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: liberated of the death.
Truly, truly I tell you that, if somebody keeps my word, he will never see the death. (João 8:51)
God we grant the warranty of a promising life, with a lot of happiness and for all the eternity, and the only thing that we needed to do it is still something pleased, to live according to the teachings contained in the word.
He you doesn't care we already walked for tortuous roads or we lived in disagreement with the divine instructions, since we have decided to accept him Mister with love nor our hearts, and like this, we will be liberated of the death for us to be celebrated in our creator's presence.
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