As trapaças, acusações infundadas e quaisquer que sejam as armadilhas do inimigo serão descobertas e destruídas ou serão utilizadas para aprisioná-lo.
O Senhor com a mão poderosa estará nos dando a direção para que possamos driblar as investidas do inimigo, o qual será colocado à prova e será envergonhado, e caso insista, a sua destruição estará determinada para toda honra e glória do nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: the embarrassed will be the enemy.
Your skillful one, Mister, she have been glorifying in being able to, your skillful one, Mister, it has been cutting into pieces the enemy. (Exodus 15:6)
The frauds, groundless accusations and any that are the enemy's traps will be discovered and destroyed or they will be used to arrest him.
The Mister with the powerful hand it will be us giving the direction so that we can dribble the enemy's lunges, which it will be placed to the proof and it will be embarrassed, and in case it insists, your destruction will be determined for every honor and our creator's glory.
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