Em situações duvidosas, quando as incertezas podem nos levar a tomar decisões contrárias aos ensinamentos, devemos buscar o acerto em nossos corações, e assim, seremos capazes de combater a estupidez e falta de caridade e de injustiça pela fé que floresce da semente plantada pelo Senhor.
Sentence of the day: to consult the heart.
I applied my heart to know, and to inquire, and to look for the wisdom and the reason of the things, and to know that the mercy lack is foolishness and that the stupidity is madness. (Eclesiastes 7:25)
In doubtful situations, when the uncertainties can take us to make decisions contrary to the teachings, we should look for the success in our hearts, and like this, we will be capable to combat the stupidity and charity lack and of injustice for the faith that blooms of the seed planted by the Mister.
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