A efetiva fé nos mantém de pé, mesmo quando o terreno é impróprio para a caminhada e ainda assim quando as nossas forças parecerem nos abandonar, portanto, ela deve ser cultivada constantemente e com muito carinho e determinação.
Não podemos deixar vacilar a nossa fé, pois, é o instrumento dotado de magnitude para a conquista de tudo quanto desejarmos e que agradará ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: the faith is an instrument of glories.
Now, the faith is the firm foundation of the things that you wait for her, and the proof of the things that you don't see each other. (Hebrew 11:1)
The effective faith maintains us of foot, same when the land is inappropriate for the walk and nevertheless when our forces seem to abandon us, therefore, she should constantly be cultivated and with a lot of affection and determination.
We cannot let to hesitate our faith, because, it is the instrument endowed with magnitude for the conquest of whatever we want and that will please to the Mister.
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