A qualquer momento que a palavra de Deus nos revelar algum pedido, não devemos questionar, pelo contrário, a nossa obediência ao Senhor deve ser imediata e sem contestação, e assim, a glória de Deus virá sobre nós para que possamos celebrar alegremente várias conquistas.
Sentence of the day: obeying him Mister we will be rewarded.
The ninivitas had faith in God. They proclaimed a fast, and all of them, of the largest to the smallest, they got dressed of sack cloth. (Jonas 3:5)
At any moment that the word of God to reveal us some request, we should not question, on the contrary, our obedience to the Mister it should be immediate and without reply, and like this, the glory of God will come on us so that we can celebrate several conquests happily.
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