As atitudes devem ser tomadas segundo os ensinamentos que a palavra nos traz. Sempre que formos contemplados com graças e fizermos boas obras, devemos levar ao conhecimento das pessoas para que saiba o quanto Deus tem para todos.
A doutrina reforça a aprendizagem e facilita a vivência religiosa, mas, jamais pode se deixar de levar ao conhecimento dos irmãos os assuntos que desagradam ao Senhor, ou seja, mesmo que provoque uma tristeza momentânea, a ética deve ser ensinada.
Sentence of the day: the ethics is well seen to the eyes of the Mister.
In everything he gives you for instance of good works; in the doctrine it shows that doesn't suffer change, gravity, honesty. (Tito 2:7)
The attitudes should be taken according to the teachings that the word brings us. Whenever we be contemplated with thanks and we make good works, we should take to the people's knowledge so that he knows him/it as God has for all.
The doctrine reinforces the learning and it facilitates the religious existence, but, it can never be stopped taking to the siblings knowledge the subjects that displease to the Mister, in other words, even if it provokes a momentary sadness, the ethics it should be taught.
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