Não importa o quanto confortável seja um local ou situação em que estivermos, se recebermos o chamado do Senhor jamais devemos vacilar, ao contrário, não podemos poupar forças para cumprirmos com a vontade de Deus.
O Senhor sempre tem algo maior a nos oferecer, portanto, nenhuma dúvida deverá pairar em sermos obedientes e zelosos com os ensinamentos e ofertas do nosso criador que nos abençoará com reconhecimento e poder.
Sentence of the day: God blesses us vastly.
And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and I will increase your name; and you will be a blessing. (Gênesis 12:2)
He you doesn't import him as comfortable it is a place or situation in that are, if we receive the call of the Mister we should never hesitate, to the opposite, we cannot save forces for us to execute the will of God.
The Mister he always has something larger offering, therefore, no doubt should hover in we be obedient and zealous with the teachings and our creator's offers that it will bless us with recognition and power.
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