Não importa o quanto acreditamos ser difícil ou complicado, devemos sempre obedecer ao que a palavra nos revela, pois, são inspirações divinas, as quais Deus nos apresenta para que possamos renovar a nossa fé, nos fortalecendo para uma jornada de glórias, mas que nos exigirá passar por provações, e para tanto, precisamos estar vestidos da armadura da crença e empunhando o escudo de poder para que possamos sempre sair vitoriosos a cada combate.
Sentence of the day: obedience to the word.
And in your descent they will be blessed all the nations of the earth; since you obeyed my voice. (Gênesis 22:18)
It doesn't import him all we believed to be difficult or complicated, we should always obey him that the word reveals us, therefore, they are divine inspirations, which God presents us so that we can renew our faith, strengthening for a day of glories, but that will demand to happen for probations, and for so much, we needed to be dressed of the armor of the faith and seizing the shield of power so that we can always leave victorious to each combat.
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