Difíceis poderão ser as lutas pelas quais poderemos ter que passar, mas, jamais as vitórias serão impossíveis, pois, Deus nos tem como promessas a ajuda necessária para que possamos glorificar o nome do Senhor.
Os inimigos podem estar em maior número, mas, mesmo assim, não serão suficientes para nos abater, desde que sejamos fiéis e a nossa crença esteja sempre em ascensão, e então, seremos contemplados com as bênçãos de ajudas vindas de todas as formas e lugares para que o inimigo seja derrotado.
Sentence of the day: the help is right.
For your father's God, which will help you, and for the Almighty, which will bless you with blessings of the high skies, with blessings of the abyss that is below, with blessings of the breasts and of the nun. (Gênesis 49:25)
Difficult they can be the fights for the which we can have to pass, but, the victories will never be impossible, because, God has us as promises the necessary help so that we can glorify the name of the Mister.
The enemies can be in larger number, but, even so, they won't be enough to fall, since we are faithful and our faith is always in ascension, and then, we will be contemplated with the blessings of helps comings of all the forms and places for the enemy it is defeated.
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