Deus todo poderoso criador do céu e da terra e de tudo que neles existem, inclusive cada um de nós, aos quais desde o sopro da dádiva da vida vem protegendo e perdoando, além de todas essas graças ainda nos deixa a promessa de herança, pelo que devemos ser imensamente gratos.
Os ensinamentos que o Senhor nos deixou para que possamos ter acesso à vida eterna são de fácil compreensão, basta procurarmos pela palavra e o Espírito Santo fará com que o entendimento seja claro, permitindo assim que não endureçamos os nossos corações e que a nossa percepção seja cada vez mais apurada à compreensão e obediência à palavra do Senhor.
Agindo segundo a vontade de Deus seremos coroados com prolongamento das nossas vidas terrenas, as quais terão mais qualidade devido à serenidade e prosperidade que nos serão acrescentadas durante a nossa jornada.
Sentence of the day: not to harden the heart.
Loving to the Mister your God, giving ears to your voice, and approaching to him; because he is your life, and the prolongation of your days; so that you are in the earth that the Mister it swore your parents, to Abraão, Isaque, and Jacó, that there were them of giving. (Deuteronômio 30:20)
God all powerful creator of the sky and of the earth and of everything that you exist in them, besides each one of us, to the which it is protecting from the blow of the gift of the life and forgiving, besides all those thanks still leaves us the inheritance promise, for the that we should be vastly thankful.
The teachings that the Mister he left us so that we can have access to the eternal life they are of easy understanding, it is enough we seek for the word and the Saint Spirit will do with that the understanding is clear, allowing as soon as doesn't harden our hearts and that our perception is more and more select to the understanding and obedience to the word of the Mister.
Acting according to the will of God will be crowned with prolongation of our terrestrial lives, which will have more quality due to the serenity and prosperity that will be increased us during our day.
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