Por mais que o inimigo se aproxime e até mesmo consiga nos retirar algo, se continuarmos perseverantes na palavra, Deus virá ao nosso socorro e nenhum mal poderá nos ser feito.
A nossa confiança no Senhor jamais deve ser colocada à prova, pois, consultando o íntimo de nossos corações e profundamente a nossa razão, encontraremos as respostas certas para o alcançar o merecimento da presença de Deus em todos os instantes de nossas vidas.
Sentence of the day: God liberates us of the evil.
But your father deceived me and it changed the wage ten times; however God didn't allow him that did me badly. (Gênesis 31:7)
No matter how much the enemy approaches and even he gets to leave something, if we continue persevering in the word, God will come to our help and any badly will be able in being done.
Our trust in the Mister it should never be placed to the proof, because, consulting the intimate of our hearts and deeply our reason, we will find the right answers for reaching the desert of the presence of God in all the instants of our lives.
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