O amor do Senhor é imensurável para com nós, os seus herdeiros; tanto o é que desde o princípio vem preparando com os sábios e acessíveis ensinamentos para que sejam combatidas as perturbações.
Mediante os ensinamentos contidos na palavra, recebemos não só o alerta sobre termos que enfrentar o inimigo, mas, aprendemos também a nos armarmos para a nossa proteção e combate, na certeza de que jamais estaremos lutando sozinhos, pois, o Senhor estará à frente de nossas batalhas.
Sentence of the day: we will never struggle alone.
Suddenly it arrives the hour, and he already approaches, in that you will be dispersed each one for your part, and you will only leave me; but I am not alone, because the Father is with me. (João 16:32)
The love of the Mister it is immeasurable to us, your heirs; so much it is it that from the beginning is preparing with the wise persons and accessible teachings so that the disturbances are combatted.
By the teachings contained in the word, we received not only the alert on terms that to face the enemy, but, we also learned the we arm ourselves for our protection and it combats, in the certainty that will never be struggling alone, because, the Mister it will be ahead of our battles.
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