Deus não exige sacrifício, ao contrário, o Senhor espera que o amemos e que sejamos obedientes às instruções que nos deixou pela palavra para que possamos ser felizes e merecedores da vida eterna, portanto, deve ser agradável desenvolver as nossas atividades de acordo com a vontade do nosso salvador.
Sentence of the day: adorable to act according to the word.
Because this is the love of God: that keep your commandments; and your commandments are not heavy. (1 João 5:3)
God doesn't demand sacrifice, to the opposite, the Mister wait that we love him and that are obedient to the instructions that he left us for the word so that we can be happy and worthy of the eternal life, therefore, it should be pleasant to develop our activities in agreement with our savior's will.
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