Na palavra encontraremos as forças, coragem e entendimento para combatermos os desejos da carne, os quais não agradem ao Senhor. Mediante os ensinamentos divinos aprenderemos que a felicidade não reside nas atitudes terrenas, mas, será real e duradoura quando buscarmos pelo saber contido nas escrituras, e assim, aprenderemos a caminhar pelo caminho devido.
Sentence of the day: the happiness doesn't reside in the pleasures of the meat.
Therefore, now no condemnation has for the ones that they are in Cristo Jesus, that you don't walk according to the meat, but according to the Spirit. (Roman 8:1)
In the word we will find the forces, courage and understanding for us to combat the desires of the meat, which don't please to the Mister. By the divine teachings we will learn that the happiness doesn't reside in the terrestrial attitudes, but, it will be real and durable when we look for for the knowledge contained in the deeds, and like this, we will learn how to walk for the due road.
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