sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Frase do dia: caminhar na luz.

Viu Deus que a luz era boa; e fez separação entre a luz e as trevas. (Gênesis 1:4)

O sábio dos sábios, o criador de todas as coisas, fez a separação entre a luz e as trevas, classificando a luz como algo de bom, portanto, devemos nos esforçar para caminharmos na luz, vivermos com retidão segundo a palavra de Deus.

Sentence of the day: to walk in the light.

He you saw God that the light was good; and he made separation between the light and the darkness. (Gênesis 1:4)

The wise person of the wise persons, the creator of all the things, made the separation between the light and the darkness, classifying the light as something of good, therefore, we should make an effort for us to walk in the light, we live with rightness according to the word of God.

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