O evangelho nos prepara para enfrentarmos as fraquezas as quais estamos sujeitos no mundo terreno, portanto, não podemos nos descuidar e jamais nos afastarmos dos ensinamentos divinos, pois, somente pela sabedoria contida nas escrituras seremos capazes de combater a fraqueza da carne.
Quando o Senhor nos criou, também nos concedeu um espírito pronto, porém, habitando em um ser com livre arbítrio, e, portanto, suscetível a erros, mas contemplado com o conhecimento acessível para combater a ignorância e se afastar do pecado.
Sentence of the day: to win the weakness of the meat.
Watch and pray, so that you don't enter in temptation; actually, the spirit is ready, but the meat is weak. (Mateus 26:41)
The Gospel prepares us for we face the weaknesses which we are subject in the terrestrial world, therefore, we cannot neglect ourselves and we never move away ourselves of the divine teachings, because, only for the wisdom contained in the deeds we will be capable to combat the weakness of the meat.
When the Mister it created us, it also granted us a ready spirit, however, inhabiting in a to be with free will, and, therefore, susceptible to mistakes, but meditated with the accessible knowledge to combat the ignorance and to stand back of the sin.
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