Perseverando em oração e súplicas ao Senhor a luz nos será apresentada para que nenhuma dúvida prevaleça. Deus nos tem a promessa de poder, portanto, nada poderá nos impedir de alcançar os nossos objetivos e nenhum mal será capaz de permanecer em nossas vidas.
O Senhor nos concederá a bênção do envio do Espírito Santo para que sejamos honrados com o poder necessário para a solução de tudo quando almejarmos ou necessitarmos, portanto, devemos manter puros os nossos corações.
Sentence of the day: heirs of power.
But you will receive Saint Spirit virtue, that must come on you; and you will be me you testify, so much in Jerusalem as in the whole Judéia and Samaria, and to the boundaries of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
Persevering in prayer and supplications to the Mister the light we will be introduced for any doubt to prevail. God has us the promise of power, therefore, nothing can impede us of reaching our objectives and any badly will be capable to stay in our lives.
The Mister it will grant us the blessing of Saint Spirit sending so that we are honest with the necessary power for the solution of everything when we long for or we need, therefore, we should maintain pure our hearts.
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