A mapa para o caminho que Deus tem preparado para que possamos chegar ao local onde preparou para nós, está visível nas escrituras, portanto, jamais poderemos alegar dificuldades em encontrá-lo.
Quando escolhemos a nossa jornada segundo os ensinamentos da palavra, não importa o quanto seja longo, apertado e nem mesmo os obstáculos, pois, O Senhor estará enviando um anjo que irá à nossa frente preparando a nossa passagem para que possamos chegar à presença de Deus com as nossas forças restauradas.
Sentence of the day: God grants us safety in our walk.
Suddenly I send an angel before you, for he keeps you for the road, and you light to the place that I have you mixture. (Exodus 23:20)
To map for the road that God has mixture so that we can arrive at the place where prepared for us, it is visible in the deeds, therefore, we will never be able to allege difficulties in finding him.
When we chose our day according to the teachings of the word, it doesn't import him all it is long, tight and not even the obstacles, because, THE Mister he will be sending an angel that will go to our front preparing our passage so that we can arrive to the presence of God with our recuperated forces.
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