O inimigo poderá usar de perguntas na tentativa de indução ao erro, portanto, até mesmo nas simples indagações, antes de proferirmos as nossas respostas, devemos invocar o nome do Senhor para que possa nos iluminar, ajudando-nos a contornar as armadilhas.
Deus sempre ouve as nossas preces, as quais procurarmos que sejam elevadas em orações, e assim, nenhuma armadilha será o bastante para nos prejudicar, ao contrário, servirá para aprisionar o seu próprio construtor.
Sentence of the day: the traps will be outlined.
This said them, trying him, so that they had that accusing. But Jesus, leaning, he wrote with the finger in the earth. (João 8:6)
The enemy can use of questions in the induction attempt to the mistake, therefore, even in the simple inquiries, before uttering our answers, we should invoke the name of the Mister so that it can illuminate us, helping each other us to outline the traps.
God always hears our prayers, which we seek that they are high in prayers, and like this, no trap will be enough to harm us, to the opposite, it will be to arrest your own builder.
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