Para que possamos atingir o sucesso não necessitamos de nenhum esforço, ao contrário, precisamos conviver praticando comportamentos básicos, os quais nos possibilitarão a aquisição da harmonia com o mundo em que vivemos e ainda nos ajudará a permanecer no caminho que nos leva à presença de Deus.
Devemos procurar manter os nossos corações puros, mesmo nos momentos das tribulações, as quais serão vencidas, desde que sejamos capazes de agir em paz, com serenidade, aceitação, coragem e sabedoria, segundo os ensinamentos do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: peace, purity in the heart and courage.
I leave you the peace, my peace gives you; not you give her as the world he gives her. Your heart is not darkened, nor be terrified. (João 14:27)
So that we can reach the success we didn't need any effort, to the opposite, we needed to live together practicing basic behaviors, which will make possible us the acquisition of the harmony with the world in that lived and it will still help us to stay in the road that in the group to the presence of God.
We should try to maintain our pure hearts, even in the moments of the tribulations, which will be due, since we are capable to act in peace, with serenity, acceptance, courage and wisdom, according to the teachings of the Mister.
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