É tão grande o amor que Deus tem para com nós que somos contemplados com muito mais do que pedimos. Devemos procurar em nossos corações o imenso poder do qual podemos ser merecedores se agirmos segundo a vontade do Senhor.
Da nossa atenção com a semente da fé que Deus plantou em nossos corações, dependerá a tamanho e qualidade do poder que recebemos por herança do Senhor, portanto, é importante que cultivemos com muito carinho e amor para que a semente germine, se transforme em uma grande árvore que possa florescer e gerar constantemente bons frutos.
Sentence of the day: the power of the Mister it awaits to flow of us.
Now, the that that is powerful to do everything much more abundantly besides that that we asked or we thought, according to the power that in us it operates, (Efésios 3:20)
It is so big the love that God has to us that are meditated with much more than we asked. We should seek in our hearts the immense power of which we can be worthy if we act according to the will of the Mister.
Of our attention with the seed of the faith that God planted in our hearts, it will depend to size and quality of the power that we received for inheritance of the Mister, therefore, it is important that we cultivate with a lot of affection and love for the seed to germinate, become a great tree that can bloom and to generate good fruits constantly.
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