As ordens que o Senhor nos deixou, na verdade devem ecoar em nossas mentes como uma linda e prazerosa canção, pois, tudo que vem de Deus é para o nosso bem e nosso progresso, pelo que devemos manter a pureza em nossos corações, sendo fiéis e temerosos para que possamos viver com mais justiça neste mundo terreno e prosperar a cada instante até o dia do merecimento da coroa da vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: the crown of the eternal life will be to the disposition of the ones that they fear to the Mister.
And he gave them order, saying: Do like this in the fear of the Mister, with fidelity, and with complete heart. (2 chronicles 19:9)
The orders that the Mister he left us, actually they should echo in our minds as a beautiful and pleased song, because, everything that comes of God it is for our good and our progress, for the that we should maintain the purity in our hearts, being faithful and fearful so that we can live with more justice in this terrestrial world and to prosper to each instant until the day of the desert of the crown of the eternal life.
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