Mesmo perante as adversidades, jamais devemos desanimar das coisas que buscamos para nossas vidas, as quais devem estar planejadas segundo os ensinamentos que o Senhor nos deixou.
Somos capazes de estarmos sempre reconstruindo e muitas vezes essa atividade será necessária para reafirmarmos a nossa fé, e assim, seremos sábios o suficiente para fazermos com que os nossos clamores sejam ouvidos e atendidos por Deus, pois, Ele guarda a aliança e a benignidade para com aqueles que o amam e seguem os Seus ensinamentos.
Sentence of the day: God teaches us to reconstruct.
And it happened that, hearing me these words, I settled and I cried, and I lamented for some days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of the skies. (Neemias 1:4)
Even before the adversities, we should never discourage of the things that we looked for our lives, which should be planned according to the teachings that the Mister he left us.
We are capable of we be always reconstructing and a lot of times that activity will be necessary for us to reaffirm our faith, and like this, we will be enough wise for us to do with that our clamors are heard and assisted by God, because, He keeps the alliance and the kindliness to those that love him and they follow Your teachings.
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