A preocupação em acumular bens materiais e a ganância em nada nos acrescentará. A busca por prosperidade segundo os ensinamentos de Deus são saudáveis e louváveis, pois, o Senhor nos concede tudo quanto necessitarmos para a manutenção da nossa vida terrena e para que possamos caminhar em Sua direção, portanto, a magnitude está em sermos merecedores da posse do dom da nossa porção.
Sentence of the day: God guarantees us our portion.
And the whole man, to who God gave wealth and goods, and he gave to can him for of them to eat and to take your portion, and to enjoy of your work, that is talent of God. (Eclesiastes 5:19)
The concern in accumulating material goods and the greed in anything will increase us. The search for prosperity according to the teachings of God is healthy and you praised, because, the Mister it grants us whatever we need for the maintenance of our terrestrial life and so that we can walk in Your direction, therefore, the magnitude is in we be worthy of the ownership of the talent of our portion.
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