Não existe distância que impedirá ao Senhor de ouvir os nossos clamores. Quando for necessário que tenhamos proteção, Deus nos enviará o escudo de poder e se o inimigo tentar nos envergonhar, nós receberemos a exaltação para que possamos manter a nossa cabeça levantada glorificando e bendizendo ao nosso salvador.
Sentence of the day: there is not distance for the Mister.
However you, Mister, you are a shield for me, my glory, and what exalts my head. (Psalms 3:3)
Distance that will impede to the doesn't exist Mister of hearing our clamors. When it is necessary that we have protection, God will send us the shield of power and if the enemy tries to be embarrassed, we will receive the exaltation so that we can maintain our lifted up head glorifying and speaking well about our savior.
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