É agradável a Deus que as nossas ações sejam cautelosas quanto ao conceito que tivermos dos nossos irmãos, inclusive para os quais estejam investidos de alguma autoridade, pelos quais devemos também direcionar as nossas orações, glorificando e pedindo ao Senhor que os iluminem e lhes concedam o poder de discernimento entre o mal e o bem para que possam ter e colaborem para que todos tenham uma vida tranquila e pacífica, com toda a piedade e dignidade.
Sentence of the day: a lot of glories to God and prayer for authorities.
I admonish you, because, before everything, that they are made cautions, prayers, intercessions, and actions free, for all the men; for the kings, and for all the ones that are in prominence, so that we have a quiet and calm life, in all the mercy and honesty. (1 Timóteo 2:1-2)
It is pleasant to God that our actions are besides cautious with relationship to the concept that we have of our siblings, for which they are invested of some authority, for the which we should also address our prayers, glorifying and asking the Mister that illuminate them and grant them the power of discernment between the evil and the good so that they can have and collaborate for all to have a calm and peaceful life, with all the mercy and dignity.
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