As lutas, as aflições e decepções poderão nos ser atribuídas, assim como foram para o Senhor, mas no nosso caso, somente na medida que pudermos suportar e ainda com a garantia de Deus de sairmos ilesos se formos fiéis e temerosos à palavra que nos foi deixada com imenso amor e carinho.
Todos nós somos filhos de Deus e nessa qualidade temos a promessa da contemplação com a bênção da glória que nos será revelada no tempo do Senhor, portanto, devemos agir sempre com perseverança e tudo quanto necessitarmos nos será ofertado.
Sentence of the day: we will win the afflictions and we will be crowned.
Because for me I have for right that the afflictions of this present time are not to compare with the glory that must be revealed in us. (Roman 8:18)
The fights, the afflictions and deceptions will be able in being attributed, as well as they went to the Mister, but in our case, only in the measure that we can support and still with the warranty of God of we leave unhurt if we go faithful and fearful to the word that was left us with immense love and affection.
All of us are children of God and in that quality we have the promise of the contemplation with the blessing of the glory that will be revealed us in the time of the Mister, therefore, we should always act with perseverance and whatever need ourselves it will be presented.
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