Tudo o que conhecemos, inclusive a nós mesmos, são obras de Deus, portanto, somos filhos do Senhor e nesta qualidade nos incluímos como herdeiros legítimos e podemos gozar dos benefícios que a criação divina nos permite nesta vida terrena, mas, o mais importante que é a posse definitiva das bênçãos somente nos será garantida mortificando os nossos desejos e anseios, permitindo assim que a fé se estabeleça e floresça definitivamente em nossos corações.
Sentence of the day: everything belongs to the Mister; we are heirs.
Because of him and for him, and for him, they are all the things; glory, because, to him eternally. Amen. (Roman 11:36)
Everything that we knew, besides to us same, they are works of God, therefore, we are children of the Mister and in this quality we included ourselves as legitimate heirs and we can enjoy the benefits that the divine creation allows us in this terrestrial life, but, the most important that is the definitive ownership of the blessings it will only be us guaranteed torturing our desires and longings, allowing the faith as soon as settles down and bloom definitively in our hearts.
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