A verdadeira recompensa somente pode ser esperada no Senhor que muitas bênçãos tem nos reservado por promessa, e a única coisa que precisamos fazer é agir com paciência e perseverança na fé.
A nossa fidelidade aos ensinamentos que Deus nos deixou, será a garantia de sucesso durante as provações, de uma vida promissora aqui na terra e ainda nos permitirá alcançar uma vida eterna e gloriosa na presença do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: God in the reward vastly.
As you kept the word of my patience, I will also keep you of the hour of the temptation that must come on everyone, to try the ones that they inhabit in the earth. (Apocalypse 3:10)
For the true reward can only be waited in the Mister that a lot of blessings have in the private room for promise, and the only thing that we needed to do it is to act with patience and perseverance in the faith.
Our fidelity to the teachings that God left us, will be the success warranty during the probations, of a promising life here in the earth and he will still allow to be reached an eternal and glorious life in the presence of the Mister.
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